Open Editorships in APA Journals
Welcome to the Editor Search Portal of the APA Journals Program. The quality and integrity of APA journals depend in large part on the reputation and effectiveness of our Journal Editors. We look for particular qualities in prospective Journal Editors:
- Journal Editors should be well-known and respected for their research in the field covered by the journal.
- The ideal person would be scholarly and knowledgeable, as well as sensitive and open to new activity in the field.
- The person must also be a good manager and be able to sustain the level of work required to produce the journal for a period of 6 years. That includes managing a budget, meeting deadlines, and filing reports.
- A successful Journal Editor must exercise good judgment in selecting consulting editors and reviewers and be able to communicate effectively and sensitively with authors. Skills in conflict resolution are highly desirable.
- Most important, APA Journal Editors are expected to maintain the highest ethical standards with respect to scientific publication.
The Publications and Communications Board and the APA Journals Program's publishing partners are currently seeking to fill Editorship positions for the following journals:
- Behavioral Neuroscience
- Journal of Applied Psychology
- Journal of Educational Psychology
- Psychological Bulletin
- Psychology of Addictive Behaviors
- Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice
- Journal of Threat Assessment and Management
- Psychology of Popular Media
- Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology
Refer to the call for nominations announcement on the APA website for the deadline for accepting nominations
How to Apply
First time visitor? Use the "Register" button. Once you submit your registration, use the "Log in" button and start your online application.
Returning visitor? Use the "Log in" button and start your online application.